




今天早上information system的课,这个星期还是三组学生合在一起,另外几组的同学的老师还是在医院没有消息,我觉得这已苦了我们,因为现在每堂课几乎老师都在安排什么时间教什么,然后大家都在吵,又乱,所以老师讲课真的很难听懂的说,很难说,我觉得这样不好,这样我们真的要自己更加努力才行啊!要不然很难过得去的啊!

今天下午最后一堂课就是information system 的lab class了,老师教了我们基础使用 System Architect 来设计 UML 的 Class Diagram,蛮容易就可以操作了,真的是很简单。但是那个软件听说只有两个课室才有,所以很难用的咯!希望我们有办法找到crack啊!!!那个软件真的是很好用的说。

E-commerce 的 assignment 越来越多了,还有三个project出来啊!!!时间真的不多了,真的要抓紧时间开始要完成了。要不然很难过得去啊!!!





Java 考试,老师还真的出 Object-oriented,都没有出数学题的。出的题目有点奇怪,我也是做得有点问题,其实我很快可以做完,只是不懂是紧张还是粗心,导致一直出问题。真的是很。。。但是因为那个时候我心里就是很多东西要想,想想真的不应该,但也很难归罪自己,因为乳沟想到我在想一个更难解决的问题的时候。但是有什么比测验更重要的呢。基本上测验方面我也是完成她要的要求啦!!!只是个人认为在程式方面不是最佳的。

数学Assignment 1分回来了,第一题真的是不会做,那个中国人真的是很厉害。真的很强,我真的要加倍努力了。数学应该要拿到很高分才是可以的哦!

应该算是昨天把,星期五,INTIBALL 报名最后一天了咯!!!真的是咯,每个朋友都没有去的。好吧,去看有什么好事情发生,找到女朋友???哈哈!!!星期五,晚上,我的高三同班同学又在食堂做火锅吃。不错啦!!!但是有点尴尬还是不好意思的是,有很多时候还要他们夹给我,因为我一直都夹不到,是不是手指一直对着电脑打字,所以导致我夹东西一直会掉,难道我的手指准备变成什么手指了。哎呀!!!但是,没有办法,我未来的工作都是对着电脑的了。你看,我现在打字的速度其实是很快的。快得惊人。就好像讲话的速度一样。

今天吧,Vincent 会来 INTI 来找我做flash 的东西。。。








这个星期五,早上8点到10点,有一个课叫做 Introduction to Computer and Networks

今天是这个科目的lab,老师给我们接twisted-pair cable,我们都很认真的去做,去完成。当作好之后,拿上前去给老师用testing devices去check,如果不幸失败的话,就不能重来了,机会只有一次,因为一失败那个cable就等于废了,如果成功,就算你好运。老师要我们二人分成一组。





How about today class

There is no systematic programming class today because lecturer Po got leave. No one knows her what's problem. Yesterday and today there is no her class, I have missed her a lot. Hope that there is no something happen on her.

When I walked back with my classmates, a china girl, she told me that there was a rumour about lecturer Po is pregnant. There are some signs that indicate it is true. But I don't believe it and I have not found it before.

Everyone thought today will have a test, but the test today will be cancelled because she got leave. Somebody will be happy because no classes. But I have no any feeling; I have been insensitive to this. It is because too many complicated things bother me. What can I do is calmly face the problem occurs.

Just completed the assignments, so many projects are coming out. I must do some projects in order to get marks to fulfill lecturers' will. However, there is no room for me to cry out.

Today has math class. The problems are getting harder and harder. I must hardworking in order to cope.




在那里,看到了Incomp (Inti Computer Society) 的 vice chairperson 在那边。原来他不是 Intima 的,而是帮忙一下罢了。那里的主人就出来和我解释了,和进去解释了一番。




第二个Ecommerce Assignment 即将来临

刚搞完第一个Ecommerce Assignment,第二个Assignment则接踵而来。我被抽中的题目是 The impact of E-commerce to business process and organization。之前原本心想,为什么老师给我这个题目,为什么没有中我想的。但是,这个也不错,了解了这个我想我会更了解为什么要E-commerce,E-commerce对于商业的冲突改变又是什么。

我个人本身开了论坛那么久,开了网站久,但就是没有盈利。所以要说我有经验还是没有经验呢?技术上的一些经验,一丁点是有的,但管理上,盈利我就没有办法说我很有经验。因为我从来在网站上收取过什么盈利。所以我学了这个,应当要认真学习,把学到的东西实现到网站上。但是,很有趣的是,我发现很多人上课都在睡觉。我有时也会分心。哈!这是不应该出现的啊。因为我们在这里一分钟就RM1.27了(我朋友算的)。 所以这真的是不应该。大家要好好珍惜时间。



大家都说星期四测验,那么到底是星期四还是星期二呢,今天就是星期二了,也代表我也要结束我的部落格去洗脸刷牙了。Java 测验。今天,Java的老师没有来,真的是有点。但也好,不用上课。但RM200就这样丢掉大海。但是,会补回来的。那么,这个就叫做先甜后苦吧!但,想了想,接近Final的时候补课,老师讲的肯定是重点,那么我们也会可以好好吸收。讲到final,现在其实就好开始准备了咯,等下来不及读书就完了。我还在这里一直上网站和论坛,有点在浪费时间的感觉,实在不应该。Information system 的老师不是叫我们要好好在家里没事就去做那个东西吗?我是不是把它给丢在脑后了。现在,这些assignment都解决了一大半,那么我应该有更多的时间去温习Final。

讲到人生目标,人生计划。这个真的很重要。我决定了,我每天都要给我定下不同方面的计划。比如今天即将进行的行动,还有学习上的计划等等。还有project,不要忘记啊!听说information system 这一科很重要,要好好把握啊!那么,我们得要加油了。


Definition of E-Commerce

According to Dictionary.com, the definition of E-Commerce is "The conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computers. As most restrictively defined, electronic commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, and the transfer of funds, through digital communications. However EC also includes all inter-company and intra-company functions (such as marketing, finance, manufacturing, selling, and negotiation) that enable commerce and use electronic mail, EDI, file transfer, fax, video conferencing, workflow, or interaction with a remote computer.

Electronic commerce also includes buying and selling over the World-Wide Web and the Internet, electronic funds transfer, smart cards, digital cash (e.g. Mondex), and all other ways of doing business over digital networks.

E-commerce describes the process of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products, services and/or information via computer networks, including the Internet (Turban et al. 2004:7). E-commerce can be defined from the following perspectives:

  • Communications – From a communication perspective, e-commerce is the delivery of goods, services, information, or payments over computer networks or by any other electronic means (Turban et al. 2004:7).
  • Commercial (trading) – From a commercial perspective, e-commerce provides the capability of buying and selling products, services and information on the Internet and via other online services (Turban et al. 2004:7).
  • Business process – From a business process perspective, e-commerce is doing business electronically by completing business processes over electronic networks (Turban et al. 2004:7).
  • Services – From a service perspective, e-commerce is a tool that addresses the desire of governments, firms, consumers, and management to cut service costs while improving the quality of customer services and increasing the speed of service delivery. (Turban et al. 2004:7).
  • Learning – From a learning perspective, e-commerce is an enabler of online training and education in schools, universities, and other organizations. (Turban et al. 2004:7).
  • Collaborative – From a collaborative perspective, e-commerce is the framework of inter- and intra-organizational collaboration (Turban et al. 2004:7).
  • Community – From a community perspective, e-commerce provides a gathering place for community members to learn transact and collaborative (Turban et al. 2004:7).














集会自由 维护人民权力。


国际人权组织”人权观察”(Human Rights Watch)(2008) 认为,马来西亚政府禁止任何有关表达、集会和使用媒体权利的做法,将否定选民在3月8日享有公平选举的权益,疾呼政府尊重宪法,保障人民自由。










刚刚结束第一个E-commerce Assignment

花了两个星期,经历千辛万苦,去制作一个 E-commerce Assignment,找了很多资料,费尽了很多心思,终于,现在终于做完了,把它从我的电脑带去print出来binding了。好了。它,即将被送上老师的手上。这个过程,经历了这个过程中的每一滴。我在这过程中,熬夜到很晚,每晚都是这样,就是为了完成这一字一句的。大多数的资料我都是自己用手打,参考很多资料做出来。20多页的assignment,做了很多分析,很多解析,很多很多。Internet Usage in Malaysia。

































要有结构,原来 technical writing 很重要







Comparison between system development life cycle and object-oriented approach

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

System development Life Cycle is a cycle for building the information system project. In this cycle there are system planning, system requirement specification, system analysis, system design, system testing and implementation and system maintenance.

Object-oriented Approach (OOA)

Object-oriented Approach is a approach using object technology, treat everything as an object to analysis, design and developing the information system in an effective way. Object-oriented approach is suitable in using in develop the complex system as well.

The advantages of System Development Life Cycle

There is advantages of SDLC when using this to develop the information system. SDLC divide the bigger problem or bigger task into smaller part. There is a sequence or stages we to follow this to analysis and design, then developing the information system.

It is easy to learn but hard to use or hard to implement.

The disadvantages of System Development Life Cycle

It will easily running out budget and time because when something go wrong at the later stage, it is hard to back to earlier stage to change something else.

The advantages of Object-oriented Approach

There is advantages of OOA when using this to develop the information system. As we know, in OOA concept, everything is treated as an object and an object has its own behavior. In any stages that is doing the samething. Using the object techniques, it can be used in the stages of analysis, design and even coding. So the project is easy to manage, because we are doing the same thing go through all projects. Using this approach we can reduce the development time, increase the efficiency of developing the system. On the other hand, once the business requirements had changed, we can changed easily because everything is divide task by task, part by part, module by module and each module is controlled by one experienced person.

The disadvantages of Object-oriented Approach

There is disadvantages in the object-oriented approach. It is hard to learn but easy to use. No every people is familliar with the object-oriented concept.

Something else to compare

What the something else can be compare between SDLC and OOA?

I found that from some texts that every project is SDLC. So I think SDLC is based on the traditional life cycle, the waterfall model, we learn SDLC by learn the waterfall model as well, the traditional approach. So now it is same level with Object-oriented Approach now. They are now approach, a model.

Model, tools and techniques is system development methologies. Object-oriented Approach is one of the system development methologies, because it model the real world thing into object by object and has its own behavior and it also using in the coding stages, so that every time we are deal with object even in analysis, design stages but also development stages. We can know that when we design but also we are doing the analysis at the same time. The more effective way, the better way we using object-oriented approach in the future we develop the real information system.

One of the advantages of doing the object-oriented approach is that we are preffered in doing in a group because everything so easy to change and everything is controlled by experienced person.

Wow, I think this assignment sometimes is easy sometimes is hard for me to implement this comparison between them because it is high standard for me. For my knowledge I can only analysis the real problem but I can't analysis such this thing.

Or maybe I am already using such this methologies but I not aware of. Ha, I am not aware of or even don't know what methologies I am using now. But I think I must learn this before I develop a real system within a group.

It is the time for me to do the assignment. Bye. See you soon.


What is the Object-orientation?

What is the Object-orientation? Let us think what is the object before we discuss the object-orientation.

What is the Object actually?

You may think the object is a thing we can see around us. Table, chair, computer, book, pen, clock and something else, they called object. Yes, you are right, anything we can see it even to touch it, it can be an object. Everything in your room, in your mind, is an object.

Coad and Yourdon (1990) define object as follows:

Object. An abstraction of something in a problem domain, reflecting the capabilities of the system to keep information about it, interact with it, or both.

A useful definition of abstraction in this context might be: 'A form of representation that includes only what is important or interesting from a particular view point'.

Object Definition

We define an object as a concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp boundaries and meaning for the problem at hand. Objects serve two purposes: The promote understanding of the real world and provide a practical basis for computer implementation.

What really is the object?

Booch (1994) summarizes the object that all objects in a model or in an information system have certain similarities to all other objects, that an object "has a state, a behavior and an identity".

Class and Object

Class is a concept that describes a set of objects that are specified in the same way. According to the UML specification, all objects of a given class share a common specification for their features, their semantics and the constraints upon them. (OMG, 2004c).

Instance is another word for a single object, but it also carries connotations of the class to which that object belongs: every object is an instance of some class. So, just like an object, an instance represents a single person, thing or concept in the application domain.

A class and its instances are related in the following manner. Each instance of a class is unique, just as every living person is unique, however closely they resemble someone else. This is true even when two instances have identical characteristics.

Next deal with your assignment

What is the assignment really? To compare any 2 system development approach, I have chosen two topics that are System Development Life Cycle and Object-oriented Approach.

What is my research as well?

I have doing a lot of research and I have found some interesting thing. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is originally traditional life cycle, the waterfall model. The phases in SDLC is begin with system planning, requirement specification, followed by system analysis, design, and testing, implementation, then the last is maintenance. Once we going wrong in the implementation stage, it is hard for us to go to the earlier stage because we must change all the things, change our design even analysis, or change the requirement as well. We will change all the things and this will run out the budget and time. So waterfall model seem it is not a good approach to the system development. So, I think object-oriented approach, the concept is very good enough in doing the information system development. In OOA concept, everything or every stages is only object and its behavior. When we do the requirement specification even the system analysis and design, we are only deal with the object and behavior. It is such intangible thing and seem like abstraction but if we know or understanding the concept of this, we can complete the project effectively.

What is going to say is the differences between SDLC and OOA.




这几天开始在准备三个科目的assignment了,即E-Commerce,Information System Development 以及 Introduction to Computer and Network。

最后这几个小时,一直在准备E-Commerce的Assignment,题目要求要写一个report。我遇到的主要问题,当然就是要怎么安排report的structure。最后我大概分成了一个架构。我也把我所找到的资料用HTML的方式记录出来,因为蛮多网址的。这样也看起来比较整齐。这就是我的style啦!!!英文程度也是一个问题,但是我有 dict.cn 和 google translate,应该不是难事。重点还是资料的编排才是问题所在,其他都没有问题了。

星期六傍晚,在做E-Commerce Assignment,朋友约我去“另外一个食堂”,我们的同班同学在那里煮意大利面。我没有碗,只带了筷子和汤匙去。2个小时多,才有得吃。但是我没帮到忙,我的任务就只是负责吃面而已。他们在准备的时候,我就去看报纸吧!想不到,那个Cafeteria星期六和星期天都是那么冷清的哦,但是还是会有一些人经过。

嗯!他们做的意大利面的确很好吃,算是有水准,很多人合作的结晶。当中也发生了很多趣事。建鸿的搞鬼动作啊,还有那位(忘记名字),他也是很够本的咯。一直把伟康和pineapple混在一起,害他们看起来很尴尬。难道,pineapple 和 建鸿是冤家关系?听说过冤家变亲家吗?或许。


我啊,现在,应该都在忙着做我的 assignment 了。我觉得,我其实是可以很早就开始做我的功课,但是为什么我到了这里也是要等到那么迟才来开始做。这些真的是有点要不得。好吧,现在开始还来得及。反正我也找了很多资料,只是还要做一些分析,然后整个report structure要怎么安排的问题罢了。






当degree student要有的

在我来INTI的一个月的经验,当一个degree student
  1. 您必须会写报告
  2. 您必须很有创意
  3. 您能有自主性
  4. 您很擅长于英文




