上个学期数学上了数学,学到Tree,Binary Tree 的。。。上个学期原本想用 Java 实现,但基于基础不够好,怎么可能用Array弄出来呢,但现在也要上完基础的Java了,对物件导向也有较深一层的认识,因此我尝试根据我的思考,来编写了这个基本的实现程序。。。
class Node {
public Node parentElement; // parent element of the node
public Node leftElement; // left child element of the node
public Node rightElement; // right child element of the node
public String value; // the value of the node
public class TestNode {
public static void main(String args[]) {
//String sentence = "The fox is jump over that fence";
String sentence = "The three fox are jump over that fence";
// Break each word into array
String word[] = sentence.split(" ");
// Initialize the main tree
Node node = new Node();
// SetTree
for(int i=0; i
if(i == 0) {
node.value = word[i];
node.parentElement = null;
} else
setNode(node, word[i]);
// GetTree
System.out.println("Demonstration of Mathematic for Computing: Tree");
System.out.println("Sentence: " + sentence);
System.out.println("Height of tree: " + getNodeHeight(node));
System.out.println("Leaf: " + getLeaf(node));
System.out.println("Parent of jump: " + getParent(node, getNode(node, "jump")).value);
System.out.println("Parent of fence: " + getParent(node, getNode(node, "fence")).value);
System.out.println("Height of sub-tree on fox: " + getNodeHeight(getNode(node, "fox")));
// Set the structure of the tree on each node
// @param Tree of node, word (value)
public static void setNode(Node node, String word) {
Node childNode;
if(node.value != null) {
childNode = new Node();
childNode.parentElement = node;
childNode.value = word;
// compare ignore case
word = word.toLowerCase();
node.value = node.value.toLowerCase();
if(word.compareTo(node.value) == 0)
return; // if equal, break out of method
else if(word.compareTo(node.value) < 0) {
if(node.leftElement != null)
setNode(node.leftElement, word);
node.leftElement = childNode;
} else {
if(node.rightElement != null)
setNode(node.rightElement, word);
node.rightElement = childNode;
// Get node by value
// @param Tree of node, value
// @return the node want to get
public static Node getNode(Node node, String value) {
Node targetNode = null;
targetNode = node;
else {
// check if left or right got target, then only one target found only, strange problem, getParent also encountered, maybe not very good
if(node.leftElement != null)
targetNode = targetNode == null ? getNode(node.leftElement, value) : targetNode;
if(node.rightElement != null)
targetNode = targetNode == null ? getNode(node.rightElement, value) : targetNode;
return targetNode;
// Get height of the tree
// @param Tree node
// @return height of tree
public static int getNodeHeight(Node node) {
int height = 1;
int leftHeight = 0, rightHeight = 0;
if(node.leftElement == null && node.rightElement == null)
return height;
else {
if(node.leftElement != null)
leftHeight += getNodeHeight(node.leftElement);
if(node.rightElement != null)
rightHeight += getNodeHeight(node.rightElement);
return height + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);
// Get number of leafs in the tree
// @param Tree node
// @return number of leaf
public static int getLeaf(Node node) {
int leaf = 0;
if(node.leftElement == null && node.rightElement == null)
return 1;
else {
if(node.leftElement != null)
leaf += getLeaf(node.leftElement);
if(node.rightElement != null)
leaf += getLeaf(node.rightElement);
return leaf;
// Get parent of node by value
// @param Tree of node, child of node
// @return the parent of node
public static Node getParent(Node node, Node childNode) {
// found that node
Node parentNode = null;
return node.parentElement;
else {
if(node.leftElement != null)
parentNode = parentNode == null ? getParent(node.leftElement, childNode) : parentNode;
if(node.rightElement != null)
parentNode = parentNode == null ? getParent(node.rightElement, childNode) : parentNode;
return parentNode;